Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Before and After

Here a before -pencil, and after - Pencil + watercolor wash from a photo.  This was  a good exercise for I definitely need to see about simplifying  this type of drawing when in the field

Sagrada Familia
9 x12 Pencil + Watercolor.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Beach Stand

This is a beach stand (small bar) that caught my eye when walking the beach. I liked the small structure from this angle that was somewhat hidden among the palm trees. It's a  bit messy sketching on the beach because of the wind and sand but I've come to miss it when sketching "in town."

9x12 Ink and watercolor.

Tough Day

This was a really tough cookie. I like sketching at the beach (a lot!) but everything that could go wrong did.  For the angle I liked I couldn't use my small stool so I had to sit on the edge of a skiff with the watercolor pad and water container (small bottle) slipping and sliding all over. There was a lot of wind so, at times, everything (including a charged brush I laid down for a second) went flying. I had to use some white gouache to  fix some of the blobs but that's the way it goes...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Practice, practice, practice....

I have an upcoming trip and want to do some 'on site' sketches so I decided to practice some on what I'll be seeing when abroad.This a Watercolor sketch of a photo I took when we last visited Barcelona, I think this is the Passieg-de-Gracia building. The area is beautiful but what caught my eye was the contrast of the orange roofs against the quite blue sky.

9x12 Pencil and watercolor...